Business Process Review (BPR)

Business processes evolve with the best of intentions but are often inefficient and ineffective. We offer independent business process analysis by performing a business process review.

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The Problem

There are many reasons for sub-optimal business processes which include:

  • One department may be optimized at the expense of another
  • Lack of time to focus on improving business process
  • Lack of recognition of the extent of the problem
  • Lack of training
  • People involved use the best tool they have at their disposal which is usually excel to fix problems
  • Inadequate infrastructure
  • Overly bureaucratic processes
  • Lack of motivation

Efficiency And Effectiveness

Efficiency is about doing things right with the least amount of resources and effectiveness is about doing the right things. Doing the right things is often defined by an organization’s critical success factors, defined as what must be done in order for an organization to be successful.


The people in the trenches doing the day-to-day work are interviewed to describe their process in a day-in-the-life fashion. These people are often described as subject matter experts (SMEs). It’s not good enough that they just describe the process. They also need to show how they do it and describe any problems with the existing process. Each problem should be considered an opportunity for business process improvement.

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independent erp consultants 180 systems

Business Process Report

The report includes the following components:

  • High-level process map using the swimlane approach
  • Narrative of each step in the process
  • Problems related to the steps in the process
  • Type of problem
  • Impact of the problem
  • System requirements (if replacement or enhancement of the system is under consideration). The requirements are based on maintaining the existing processes that are needed as well as requirements to overcome the problems.
  • Reference to any documents or screens that were used to describe the process

When we are complete, we get the SMEs to update their section of the Business Process Review with their feedback.

BPR Benefits

The Business Process Review can be used in multiple ways including:

  • Exposing the strengths and weaknesses of the existing process and system
  • Identification of requirements
  • As a source for a business case. The elimination of problems can be transformed into tangible or intangible benefits.
  • As a starting point in designing the “TO-BE” business process



independent erp consultants 180 systems

I have great pleasure in writing to thank you for your assistance on Westbrook’s journey through the ERP selection process. Your structured methodology of a business process review, Request for Proposal and the detailed vendor analysis helped us immensely; with your help we obtained deep granularity on our requirements and clarity on the various ERP systems and available options for our business. Personally, I learned a lot and I am glad you made me go through the structured process to review the ERP vendors and their offerings.

– P.J. Vermeer, President Westbrook Floral Ltd. Business Process Review - Westbrook