What is the DMAP Grant?
The DMAP – Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan – program supports Ontario SMEs to invest in new technology or optimize their existing technology.
Through this program, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) work with a Digital Adoption Advisor such as 180 Systems to generate a DMAP Plan tailored specifically to their organization’s digital needs.
Under this funding stream, eligible Canadian SMEs can gain access to accredited digital advisors and receive a grant up to $165,000 to select and implement technology.
This program is administered through the Ontario Centre for Innovation (OCI).
DMAP Breakdown
DMAP Stage 1
OCI will issue a grant of up to 90% (up to $15,000) for the cost of hiring an accredited digital advisor for system selection.
DMAP Stage 2
OCI will issue a grant of up to 50% (up to $150,000) for the cost to implement new technology.

Program Benefits
- Accelerate adoption of new commercialized digital technologies
- Modernize and enhance the competitiveness of your products and services
- Release products to the market faster, reach the right customers, while offering a near perfect user experience
- Achieve increased efficiencies in business operations by automating processes
- Access to the latest knowledge, expertise and training
- Referrals and connection to partners in the ecosystem
Eligibility Requirements
- Be incorporated federally or provincially with a valid Business Number
- Be a for-profit, privately owned business
- Have between 1 – 499 full time equivalent employees
- Have a change management culture and structure that values growth and innovation
- Willingness to review/adopt new technologies to support scaling
- Have the ability and willingness to invest resources
- Have the capability to implement and internally sustain new technologies
- Have a permanent establishment in Ontario
- Have completed a DMAP project
- Have at least $500,000 of annual revenues in one of the previous three tax years
The following types of small businesses are ineligible:
- Businesses engaged in consumer facing retail or e-commerce operations
- Corporate chains, franchises, or registered charities
- Representatives of multi-level marketing companies
- Real estate brokerages
- Not-for-profits
Application Process
Our Digital Advisor at 180 Systems will create a plan that includes
1. SME Business and Technology Current State Analysis
- Key Business Information
- Future key business goals
- Key IS/IT information
2. Digital Adoption Analysis and Recommendations potential digital/technology solutions with business benefits
3. Implementation Roadmap
- Timelines
- Dependencies
- Costs
4. Capacity
- Skill requirements
- Key digital solutions characteristics
5. Return on Investment (ROI)
180 Systems as your Digital Advisor
1. Independence
We are independent ERP consultants and do not accept any compensation from vendors or implementers.
2. Requirements Analysis
Our analysis is mostly based on business process reviews rather than generic requirements checklists.
3. Strategic alignment
We identify requirements to attain critical success factors (CSFs) and use KPI’s to measure attainment of CSF’s as objectives for an system implementation.
4. Experience
We have extensive experience in system selection and implementation across a wide variety of industries with many references for each industry.
5. Methodology
We have a documented best practice methodology with numerous proven templates to manage selections and implementations.
6. Efficient
We don’t waste anyone’s time. For example, vendors are asked to only respond to critical requirements in an RFP with the goal of 20% of requirements deemed critical.
7. Costs
Our fees are low because we have little overhead, and don’t exceed a maximum unless there is a change in scope and it has been approved.
8. Trusted Advisors
Our clients know that we will always act with integrity and honesty.